Fall 2024 Newsletter

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Convention Highlights

Can you name this Stove?

Convention Highlights

Which stove do you want to restore?

Convention Highlights

Welcome Home

Convention Highlights

2018 Convention Theme Stove

15 Antique Stove Tiles
Gold Coin Antique Stove Tile

Purpose of TASA

Established in 1984, the purpose of the Antique Stove Association is to provide information about all aspects of Antique Stoves and related items including: their uses, history, manufacturer, repair and value; and to promote fellowship among interested persons.

Cats in the Stove
Another way to get the soot out

Detroit Stove Works Station Jewel Stove from Ann Arbor, Michigan Railroad Station. This railroad station is now the Gandy Dancer Restaurant.

Station Jewel Stove from Gandy Dancer Restaurant
The Garland Cook Stove made by Michigan Stove Company - Wooden reproduction for 1893 Chicago World's Fair


The moving advertising space above is available to all TASA members. Reserve your space for as little as $140 per year.


 All TASA members can advertise their businesses, stoves, parts, accessories, collectible memorabilia, etc;. This online web site will reach hundreds of antique stove collectors, and dealers as well as thousands of site visitors.


For specific information regarding advertising rates and guidelines go to the Member Information area on the


Members Page (Click Here).


To place your advertisement on the TASA web site, contact Mike Giles



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From Antique Toasters to Antique Stoves the Katom Blog looks at Antique Kitchen Equipment. The KaTom Blog is dedicated to aspiring entrepreneurs, food lovers, and chefs as passionate about food as we are.